Health Benefits of Suvedam Premium Sunflower Seeds

Suvedam Premium Sunflower seeds are small, but they ’re full of important nutrients Eating only a small quantum can give you with a substantial volume of healthy fats Sunflower seeds have been associated with numerous health benefits including bettered heart health They contain Fiber, Carbohydrates, Protein, Fat( Omega- 6s), Vitamin K, Phosphorus, Manganese, Magnesium, Iron, Zinc and Copper.

They also contain a lot of anti-oxidants, Still you may want to eat some Sunflower seeds before bed, If you have trouble sleeping They ’re a natural source of tryptophan, an amino acid that can help promote sleep Still, they ’re easy to incorporate into your diet.

If you want to witness the benefits of Sunflowerseeds :-

– Add them to smoothies
– Mix them into granola, yogurt, or cereal
– Use them to add some redundant crunch to a salad
– Garnish any mess, like mists, funk dishes, or pastas
– Blend them with other constituents in a dip like hummus, pesto, or guacamole
– Singe them into eyefuls and viands
– Toast or rally them in any spice or seasoning for a healthy snack